Video for reference:
- 100%-95% – @start – swipe phase
- Tank on right, group in mid, blue debuff step up and to left
- Knockback at 95%, don’t get knocked off
- 95%-79% – @??? – white circle phase
- White circles, burst anchors, kill tethers, single target cutters
- Tank can agro tether asap to take stun
- rDPS stay at edge of circle to spread damage
- When tank drops Izax shield DPS him
- Repeat
- At end of phase group in middle, unavoidable blast will hit for about 70% health
- 79%-59% @ 3:40 – omnicannon interrupt phase
- Couple hits on boss shield
- Kill tethers
- Induction Cascade debuff… step away from the group
- Interrupt every “Charge Omnicannon” 2s cast
- At about 69% (or if omnicannon stacks are high) you can engage a tower and reset the phase
- (they do this at 69% and 72 stacks @ 6:25)
- At about 63% you can engage a tower again to end the phase
- (they do this at 62% and 36 stacks @ 7:38)
- 59%-35% @ 7:50 – pink circle phase
- Main tank grapples the purple sphere/pink circle closer to Izax just so everyone can stand in it
- Main tank tanks Izax but will have to dance some blue circles around, range tanking
- Off-tank agros the amplifiers x 4 and just keeps them off the group (HM stuff)
- Off-tank groups up the cutters (spawning constantly) and one or two rDPS can kill them, AOE is ok now
- He may submerge and you may need to move the pink circle and continue
- 9:50 – orange circle phase
- One spot open on the platform, run there
- 3 rounds of missiles?
- Scyva spawns
- 10:35 – Scyva defend, 2 min phase
- DPS kill tethers at corners fast, interrupt if needed
- Tank grapples Scyva around and kites the mines
- Play frogger with the big orbs sweeping around the platform, mind the gaps
- If tethers are dead off tank and DPS can be knocking back, stuff, etc. the mines
- Grapples on mines destroy them
- Stay away from scyva if you aren’t the tank to prevent circles on her
- 12:40 – Boom phase
- Get to edge, safe spot
- Don’t die