I can’t find this in the patch notes but apparently custom chat channel moderation has been implemented in sometime recently (probably in 1.5.) Our guild found out on reddit, including this list of commands that I wanted to drop here for future reference:
/create [channelname] [password]- Create an Channel and an optional password
/cjoin [channelname] [password] – Join an already made channel also including a password if needed
/cleave [channelname] [password] – Leave a custom channel also including a password if needed
/lock [channelname] – Allow only invited players to join the channel
/unlock [channelname] – Allow all players to join the custom channel
/cinvite [channelname] [player] – Invite someone to the custom channel
/password [channelname] [password] – Set a password for the channel
/password [channelname] – Clear a password from a channel
/ckick [channelname] [player] – Kick a player from the channel
/ban [channelname] [player] – Ban a player from the channel
/unban [channelname] [player] – Unban a player from a channel
/mod [channelname] [player] – Give a player the moderator status in the channel
/unmod [channelname] [player] – Remove mod status from a player
/mute [channelname] [player] – Remove the ability to send messages on the channel
/unmute [channelname] [player] – Grant the ability to send messages on the channel
/moderate [channelname] – Set the custom channel to only let moderators speak
/unmoderate [channelname]- Set the custom channel to let anyone speak
/channellist – List all custom channels you are on
/list [channelname] – List the players on the custom channel
I can’t get /list to work yet but most of the rest seems to be working. Mod away!