
SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 270: Story Superposition

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-270 finish our visit with Grand Moff Kilren while talking about the Schrodinger’s universe storylines we’ve all ended up in as 5.10 approaches. We also cover other news, including what’s going on in our guild Alea Iacta Est. If you’d like to come join us in AIE, our multi-game guild is always looking for new members. Catch us for an invite on our guild Discord which you can find along with other good guild information at

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Catch the live podcast and chat room on Tuesday nights around 10:30pm central at Follow and subscribe on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. to hear podcast news and see our other guild streams.

Podcast theme music by an AI at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 259: Original Trailer Reaction Show

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-259 play the three original trailers and react and comment including a dive into the Malgus origin and story arc leading up to SWTOR launch. We also cover other news, including what’s going on in our guild Alea Iacta Est. If you’d like to come join us in AIE, our multi-game guild is always looking for new members. Our officer channel on Star Forge is at /cjoin aielfo and more guild information is at

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Catch the live podcast and chat room on Tuesday nights around 10:30pm central at Follow and subscribe on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. to hear podcast news and see our other guild streams.

Podcast theme music by an AI at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 211: Traitor Talk

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-211 we head on down to spoiler town for some Umbara traitor talk. We also touch on other game and community news for the week from SWTOR in general and remind everyone that our casual, family-friendly multi-game guild is always looking for new members. Our officer channel on Jedi Covenant is at /cjoin aielfo and more guild information is at

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Catch the live podcast and chat room on Thursday nights around 10:30pm central at Follow and subscribe on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. to hear podcast news and see our other guild streams.

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 142: Prod Stream and XIII Story

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-142 talk about this week’s producer live stream and the details of Chapter XIII story. We also touch on other game and community news for the week from SWTOR in general and remind everyone that our casual, family-friendly multi-game guild is always looking for new members. Our officer channel on Jedi Covenant is at /cjoin aielfo and more guild information is at

MP3 Direct Download Link
YouTube Link

Catch the live podcast and chat room on Monday nights around 10:30pm central at Follow and subscribe on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. to hear podcast news and see our other guild streams.

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 35 – 2.7 Story Arc Speculation

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-Artwork This week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-35 talk about the story arc started in patch 2.7, what hints we have, what leaks we’ve seen and what our hopes are for what’s to come. We also cover news for the week from SWTOR in general and from our guild, Alea Iacta Est in SWTOR. Of course, you’ll also hear what we have been doing lately.

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Our Wish of the Week: I’m on a Boat! With the expected coming of Manaan, we think it’s about time that boats are added to SWTOR. There’s a whole market of adaptive gear and emotes that could certainly follow. So yeah… get your towels ready.

(Let us know what your wishes for the future of SWTOR are and we can talk about them on the cast and feature them here.)

On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu)

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at