SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 46 – Hooked on Strongholds!

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-46review the recent developer stream update on Galactic Strongholds. We talk through the hook system and the tidbits on new features dropped in along the way, including Guild HQ Strongholds. We also cover news for the week from SWTOR in general and from our guild, Alea Iacta Est in SWTOR. Of course, you’ll also hear what we have been doing lately.

MP3 Direct Download Link
Developer Stream Link – http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/c/4583536
Board Games and Beer Podcast – http://bgbpodcast.com/

On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu)

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com

2 thoughts on “SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 46 – Hooked on Strongholds!”

  1. Hey Max!

    I’ve noticed that you date each podcast’s RSS entry to the recording date, rather than the publication date. I can understand why you do this, but it means that in the app I use (Pocket Casts), your latest episode appears chronologically a couple of days back. This is only a problem for me since I choose which podcasts to download by looking at the latest available from an “Unplayed” list, which is sorted chronologically (most recent first)… and so I have to search back for yours. Yours is the only podcast that I’m aware of that does this.

    Would you consider changing the date to the publication date rather than backdating it for future shows? It’d make this non-iTunes user happy! 🙂


  2. Thanks Teo… I never thought of that implication. I don’t even remember why I was doing it that way. I think it was to always be consistent since the time is in GMT and I wanted a similar publication time on each. I just ended up rewinding the date by a day and setting to 23:00.

    Good call though. I’ll let publication time be publication time!

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