This week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-28 talk about datacrons. What they are, how to get them and all the details you’d ever want to know. We also cover news for the week from SWTOR in general and from AIE in SWTOR. Of course, you’ll also hear what we have been doing lately.
Direct mp3 download link.
Link to the datacron spreadsheet here on NewOverlords.
Kuze video link for the Makeb +10 endurance datacron.
Rumor we wish was true: In the summer expansion there will be a new “+11 to all stats” datacron. It will take 11 people do attempt and will take 11 hours to complete. It will be awesome because… it goes to 11.
On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu)
Podcast theme music by Dan-O at