
New Overlords Interview: Girl Genius with Kenneth Engelsen of Rain Games

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New Overlords Podcast-Artwork
Special edition! We talked about seeing Girl Genius: Adventures in Castle Heterodyne at PAX West this year. Based on the long running, award winning comic, Rain Games has teamed up with the comic creators to bring it to life as a cool puzzle adventure game. We talk to Kenneth Engelsen, project lead, to hear more about the game and how it got made!

Girl Genius is available on Steam now and soon on Switch and you can find it at:

MP3 Direct Download Link
YouTube Link

Catch us in Discord at for notes on when we record live and links to follow on X (formerly known as Twitter), Mastodon, BlueSky, Threads, Instagram, Twitch, etc.

If you’re looking for a gaming community, come join us in AIE. Our large, family friendly, casual, multi-game guild is always open to new members. Catch us for an invite on our guild Discord which you can find along with other good guild information at

Embers Adrift, A New MMO – Interview with John Gust

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A new classic-style MMORPG is an ambitious project, especially for a small indie team. We talk to John Gust, the executive producer helping lead the team on this newly launched gaming world. Thanks, John!

Check out Embers Adrift at

Stay connected to us by subscribing on YouTube and your favorite podcast feed so you don’t miss the next interview. Enjoy!

Forging a Studio of the Future – Interview with Matt Schembari, CEO of Lightforge Games

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Lead by a veteran team and backed by top partnerships, Lightforge Games was founded recently on an amazing bedrock of core values. Matt Schembari, Co-Founder and CEO, talks with us about how they’ve gone a step beyond in creating a studio modeled for the future. Open Salary, all-remote, and flexible work are just some of the bold policies that put these values into action. Thanks, Matt!

Keep an eye on Lightforge Games at

Stay connected to us by subscribing on YouTube and your favorite podcast feed so you don’t miss the next interview. Enjoy!

A Game To Remember – Behind The Games chat with Folklore Games

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Mikhaël Vaillancourt founded Folklore Games a number of years ago, pulled in his sister Jes Vaillancourt and an amazing team of creators, and now they are hard at work on a groundbreaking game. Spiral is a beautiful and engaging exploration puzzle-solving game wrapped around the concept of cognitive decline and memory loss. We talk about the origin, game design, and how “The Mechanic Is The Message”. Thanks Jes and Mikhaël!

Stay connected by subscribing on YouTube and your favorite podcast feed so you don’t miss the next interview. Enjoy!

Boston Indie Scene – Behind The Games chat with Kate Olguin

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We talk about Kate’s EDU experience at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, her experience building the indie game Call of Karen, her work sponsoring and organizing the Boston indie game dev scene, and her current game design role at Other Ocean Interactive working on games like Project Winter. Thanks Kate!

Stay connected by subscribing on YouTube and your favorite podcast feed so you don’t miss the next interview. Enjoy!