
SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 14 – Starfighter Ships

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-14 bring you news on the the PTS updates, our plans for bonus XP and a teardown of the Galactic Starfighter ships. We cover each ship type and give you an analysis of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly for each ship type.

…and, Alderanian Nectar smells like victory.

Direct MP3 Download Link

Are you a mature, team player interested in a supportive community? Come join AIE! 

On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu)  

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com 

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 11 – Power Leveling

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-11 bring you news on the in-game cartel coin purchase update and details, tips and tricks for power leveling and taking advantage of bonus XP weekends. We went a little long and still didn’t cover everything in our notes so hit us up on Twitter, forums or the web site comments with any questions or comments!

And… she’s pretty quiet about it and doesn’t like to mention it more than once every 30 seconds, but apparently, with the force, Ashara can do “anything.”

Direct MP3 Download Link

Are you a mature, team player interested in a supportive community? Come join AIE! 

On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu)  

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com 

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 10 – Tanking Basics

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-10 bring you news about Patch 2.4.2. We also bring in a guest, @BruDog, with a holocron discussion on the foundations of tanking.

To be clear: You cannot summon a companion while in an operations group. (They should put in a message somewhere to let you know! Oh, that’s right, they do.. over and over and over.)

Direct MP3 link.

Are you a mature, team player interested in a supportive community? Come join AIE! On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu)  

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com 

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 8 – Dread Fortress Tour

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-08 bring you news formerly classified as super secret, patch note updates, and some news of open spots on an AIE Ops team. We also take prospective home buyers on an open house showing of the charming Dread Fortress.

…and judging by the scene in Nemro’s cantina, even if you don’t let the wookie win you should go ahead and continue playing. It’s just a flesh wound.

On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu)  

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 7 – Oricon

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-07 bring you news fit to sacrifice a bothan over, including the patch after the patch after the 2.4 patch, back to bounties, and a bit of AIE activity. We also dive into All the Things about Oricon, story missions, daily missions and a first look at the Dread Fortress.

Oh, and the Tiny Rackling had this to say, “Come at me bro! Do  you even force lift?!”

On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu) 

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 3 – Patch 2.4

This week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-03 talk about the news on some cartel fixes, the return of bounty contract week and leg two of the AIE Amazing Race. We also spend some time in a segment call “Jumping to Conclusions” where we cover what we saw and did so far on the PTS in patch 2.4. Beware minor spoilers on public patch details!

Oh, and sulky hounds don’t like cybernetic implants in their meals, so leave out the conquered enemy cyborgs. The favorite treat would, of course, be the hearts of the vanquished.

(Update: Lies! This week is Amazing Race 3 of 5, not 4 of 5 as I claim in the podcast.)

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 1 – CZ-198 Flash Points

This week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech SEPC01 talk about Varactyl mounts, Cybernetic armor, the AIE Guild Amazing Race, Treek, the Bounty Contract Week. We also do an All The Things deep dive into the new CZ-198 Flashpoints. This is our first time ever hosting a cast and more of a test episode, so be gentle!

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com