
SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 464: Deco Deets

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SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-Artwork There’s a ton of good sources of decorations, and with a few new strongholds in the game we figured it’s a good time to check them out. That and more on this episode of The Escape Pod Cast for Star Wars The Old Republic with @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-464. If you’d like to come join us in AIE, our multi-game guild is always looking for new members. Catch us for an invite on our guild Discord which you can find along with other good guild information at

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Catch the live podcast and chat room on Thursday nights around 10:30pm central at Follow and subscribe on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. to hear podcast news and see our other guild streams.

Podcast theme music by an AI from

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 386: Umbara Uncovered

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-Artwork Do you need a stronghold to unlock for Conquest? Have you heard of Umbara? We talk about the stronghold, flashpoint, story, and more on this episode of The Escape Pod Cast for Star Wars The Old Republic with @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-386. If you’d like to come join us in AIE, our multi-game guild is always looking for new members. Catch us for an invite on our guild Discord which you can find along with other good guild information at

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Catch the live podcast and chat room on Thursday nights around 10:30pm central at Follow and subscribe on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. to hear podcast news and see our other guild streams.

Podcast theme music by an AI at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 327: Insert Alderaan Pun Here

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-Artwork6.1 is live so we take a look and do a live unlock of the Alderaan Stronghold. That and more this week from @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-327. If you’d like to come join us in AIE, our multi-game guild is always looking for new members. Catch us for an invite on our guild Discord which you can find along with other good guild information at

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YouTube Link

Catch the live podcast and chat room on Thursday nights around 10:30pm central at Follow and subscribe on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. to hear podcast news and see our other guild streams.

Podcast theme music by an AI at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 321: Ranked PvP with KogASS

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkLive stream notes on 6.1, the start of Life Day, and a dive into ranked PvP with special guest, @kogass_. All that and more this week from @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-321. If you’d like to come join us in AIE, our multi-game guild is always looking for new members. Catch us for an invite on our guild Discord which you can find along with other good guild information at

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YouTube Link

Catch the live podcast and chat room on Tuesday nights around 10:30pm central at Follow and subscribe on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. to hear podcast news and see our other guild streams.

Podcast theme music by an AI at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 293: Prosperity as a Weapon

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-293 remind ourselves of everything we’ve forgotten about Strongholds and talk about what we might want to see in the future. If you’d like to come join us in AIE, our multi-game guild is always looking for new members. Catch us for an invite on our guild Discord which you can find along with other good guild information at

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YouTube Link

Catch the live podcast and chat room on Tuesday nights around 10:30pm central at Follow and subscribe on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. to hear podcast news and see our other guild streams.

Podcast theme music by an AI at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 249: Rishi Casa De PvP

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week, @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-249 broadcast live from the PTS and tour the new Rishi Stronghold, showing off all the new features and unlocks. We also cover other news, including what’s going on in our guild Alea Iacta Est. If you’d like to come join us in AIE, our multi-game guild is always looking for new members. Our officer channel on Star Forge is at /cjoin aielfo and more guild information is at

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YouTube Link

Catch the live podcast and chat room on Tuesday nights around 10:30pm central at Follow and subscribe on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. to hear podcast news and see our other guild streams.

Podcast theme music by an AI at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 230: A Ton of Thanaton

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-230 deal with an introduction to Darth Thanaton in our Sorcerer play-through and spend some time talking about Strongholds and their various uses. We also cover other news, including what’s going on in our guild Alea Iacta Est. If you’d like to come join us in AIE, our multi-game guild is always looking for new members. Our officer channel on Star Forge is at /cjoin aielfo and more guild information is at

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YouTube Link

Catch the live podcast and chat room on Tuesday nights around 10:30pm central at Follow and subscribe on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. to hear podcast news and see our other guild streams.

Podcast theme music by an AI at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 194: Stronghold Secrets

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-194 talk about Strongholds, favorite decorations and tips for using your prosperity as a weapon. We also touch on other game and community news for the week from SWTOR in general and remind everyone that our casual, family-friendly multi-game guild is always looking for new members. Our officer channel on Jedi Covenant is at /cjoin aielfo and more guild information is at

MP3 Direct Download Link
YouTube Link

Catch the live podcast and chat room on Tuesday nights around 10:30pm central at Follow and subscribe on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. to hear podcast news and see our other guild streams.

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 101: Yavin Stronghold Secrets

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-101 host a live walkthrough of the new Yavin Stronghold and talk about some of the lesser known features and hidden secrets. We also cover other game news for the week from SWTOR in general and from our guild, Alea Iacta Est.

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YouTube Link

Catch the live podcast and chat room on Monday nights around 10:30pm central at On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Sema’a, Maurienne) Republic (Semaperdu). AIE guild information can be found at

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 94: Stronghold, Togruta, and PVP in 3.3!

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-94 talk about the continuing news on update 3.3. We give our thoughts on the Yavin Stronghold, Togruta race, and PvP updates. We also cover other game news for the week from SWTOR in general and from our guild, Alea Iacta Est.

MP3 Direct Download Link
YouTube Link

Catch the live podcast and chat room on Monday nights around 10:30pm central at On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Sema’a, Maurienne) Republic (Semaperdu). AIE guild information can be found at

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at