
SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 53 – Patch 2.9 – The Game Changer!

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-53 talk about our first week with Patch 2.9 and Strongholds, Flagships and Conquest. After initially being overwhelmed by the new content, crafting and challenges we found our way and had fun with all aspects of the new content. We also cover news for the week from SWTOR in general and from our guild, Alea Iacta Est in SWTOR.

MP3 Direct Download Link

On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu). AIE guild information can be found at

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 49 – PTS 2.9 Decoration Crafting!

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-49 talk about game update 2.9 that has just hit the Public Test Servers. We cover the highlights in general and then Sema walks us through the details of the crafting system associated with Stronghold Decorations. We also cover news for the week from SWTOR in general and from our guild, Alea Iacta Est in SWTOR. Of course, you’ll also hear what we have been doing lately.

MP3 Direct Download Link

On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu). AIE guild information can be found at

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 47 – Achievements for Fun and Profit!

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-47 talk about Achievements. We heard in recent Stronghold news that Achievements will play a part in both Decorations and Stronghold Prestige. Suddenly they seem a lot more interesting! We also cover news for the week from SWTOR in general and from our guild, Alea Iacta Est in SWTOR. Of course, you’ll also hear what we have been doing lately.

MP3 Direct Download Link
The New Overlords Datacron Tracking Spreadsheet

On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu)

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 46 – Hooked on Strongholds!

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-ArtworkThis week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-46review the recent developer stream update on Galactic Strongholds. We talk through the hook system and the tidbits on new features dropped in along the way, including Guild HQ Strongholds. We also cover news for the week from SWTOR in general and from our guild, Alea Iacta Est in SWTOR. Of course, you’ll also hear what we have been doing lately.

MP3 Direct Download Link
Developer Stream Link –
Board Games and Beer Podcast –

On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu)

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 31 – Galactic Stronghold Housing

SWTOR Escape Pod Cast-Artwork

This week @AIESema, @MaxTheGrey and Astromech EPC-31 collect all the news and rumors about the Galactic Stronghold hosing announcements and comb through them for everything we can find. We also cover news for the week from SWTOR in general and from AIE in SWTOR. Of course, you’ll also hear what we have been doing lately.

Direct download link.

Space lie of the week: With the Galactic Stronghold expansion, Agents and Smugglers will gain the Burgle ability. This will allow them to break into strongholds, ransack decorations, and rummage through your personal under armor drawer. This can be countered through the use of Guard Akk Dogs.

On Jedi Covenant, find Max playing as: Imperial (Max’z, Mhax, Mhaxs, Mhaxz) Republic (Maxz, Maxxz, M’axz) and Sema playing as: Imperial (Maurienne, Enne) Republic (Semaperdu)

Podcast theme music by Dan-O at